Friday, April 23, 2010

poema de Aaron Belz

cada dia, en el mes de abril me amanece un poema, regalo de un sitio de internet que vende poesia. este dia me enviaron uno que me gusta mucho y lo comparto:

The Love-Hat Relationshipby Aaron Belz
I have been thinking about the love-hat relationship. It is the relationship based on love of one another's hats. The problem with the love-hat relationship is that it is superficial. You don't necessarily even know the other person. Also it is too dependent on whether the other person is even wearing the favored hat. We all enjoy hats, but they're not something to build an entire relationship on. My advice to young people is to like hats but not love them. Try having like-hat relationships with one another. See if you can find something interesting about the personality of the person whose hat you like.


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